Friday, July 12, 2019

Week 5- Chase Webb

This week I spend most of my time in the lab for my research. I am working with Jinli Cao this summer in the Cardiovascular Research Institute. I spent most of the past week imaging transgenic zebrafish during development at 24, 48, and 72 hours. The fish we are looking at express GFP and RFP with the expression of other genes of interest. We are trying to identify genes that play an important role in heart development since some of the same processes that are involved in development also play a role in regeneration after cardiac injury. Eventually, we would like to injure fish hearts and examine which of these genes are also upregulated in regeneration to determine exactly which genes these are, allowing for the targeting of future therapies in patients after heart attacks.

Additionally, I really enjoyed the talk by Dr. James Shin. My favorite part was about what is being done in the hospital to make custom medical devices for patients, and especially how that fits into the current regulatory framework. While I do not have any answers, it has definitely gotten me thinking about how that area can be reformed and how it affects my own work.

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Week 7- Chase Webb

Since this post is coming after the conclusion of the immersion experience, I wanted to take the time to reflect on it as a whole. Overall, ...