Thursday, August 1, 2019

Week 7 - Charlie

The end of immersion is here! I can't believe it's finally over. It's a bittersweet feeling to go back to Ithaca, but overall I am glad for the experience and am happy that it ended when it did. The city life is pretty hectic, and my wallet will thank me for going back to 6$ sandwiches.

My last week in NYC was spent documenting my work and creating a user manual so that Dr. Lange and Dr. Marei can actually use my code. I didn't realize until now how much work I actually did! It was very difficult to write up and explain all of my thought process for the project-- explaining the different brain atlases and my motivation for using the ones that I did; the algorithms I used to convert between coordinate systems; the vector math and corrections I coded. All in all, the document ended up being 9 pages, including a section in which I recommended future directions for a new hire. I hope that someone reads it and carries on my work! If not though, I am happy to have picked up a new skill (coding in python) and learning a great deal about the brain, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and ALS. 10/10 would recommend!

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Week 7- Chase Webb

Since this post is coming after the conclusion of the immersion experience, I wanted to take the time to reflect on it as a whole. Overall, ...